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55 products in this category, displaying products 26 to 50.

Code Description Price  
TCS1484 T1-LED 2-Func Decoder
TCS1485 KAM4 Dcdr w/KA Wired
TCS1489 K5D7 N Kato F40PH Decoder
7 Functions, 80mA, 1.0/2.0 Amp Continous/Peak
TCS1516 WOW101-Steam Decoder 9Pin Plug
Includes Light, Medium, Heavy, Reading Blue Mountain and Northern Railroad #425 sounds
TCS1517 WOW101 Steam-KA Decoder 9Pin
Includes Light, Medium, Heavy, Reading Blue Mountain and Northern Railroad #425 sounds
Keep-Alive KA2 Included for unint...
TCS1527 WOW121 Diesel MTC21 Pin
Train Control Systems - WOW121 Diesel Decoder with MTC21-Pin Connector
TCS1543 P2K-MB1
TCS1544 B-MB1
TCS1545 B-MB2
TCS1546 B-MB3
TCS1549 MT1500 for MTL SW1500
Decoder to fit Micro Trains N Scale SW1500
TCS1553 WOW Speaker 35 x 16mm Oval
TCS1554 WOW Speaker .8W 20mm(.079) Rnd
TCS1555 WOW Speaker 1W 28mm (1.1")
TCS1556 K6D4 Decoder for Kato UP 4-8-4
TCS1582 W3 Stainless wipers
TCS1616 GEN-MB1 ATHG Motherboard Repl
TCS1617 IB-MB1 IMR Motherboard Repl
Created to fit the Intermountain ES44 as well as the Bowser S12
TCS1618 IB-MB2 IMR Motherboard Repl
Created to fit the Intermountain SD40-2 as well as the Bowser C-636
TCS1623 AS-MB2 Motherboard
TCS1667 KA4-C Keep Alive
TCS1673 K7D4 Drop-in Decorder Kato
Train Control Systems Mobile Decoder.
TCS1694 28mm Round WOW Speaker
Train Control Systems.
TCS1702 WOWSpeaker Kit INT-SH1
TCS1703 WOWSpeaker Kit INT-SH2
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